Tuesday, 26 September 2017


At the workplace our loyalty is to both our employer as well as to society. We should not work against the interests of the organisation nor harm the prospects of co-workers. Integrity involves moral judgment and character, honesty and leadership values. Persons who show integrity at the workplace not only understand right from wrong but they practice it in all they do. This is advantageous in a business environment where reliable actions set the foundation for successful business relationships.

Characteristics of Integrity at the Workplace:

1)Behave Honestly- Your behaviour should display your honesty. Your behaviour should be ethical in the interactions. You are the model for your followers and co-workers. You should be clear about ethical standards. Your integrity will help you to challenge any system that will encourage dishonesty or reward unethical behaviour.

2)Accept Responsibility for the Mistakes- Being human being committing mistake is natural. Accept the responsibility for the mistake if any. By doing so, you project a positive quality that you take responsibility for your work. Openly discussing problems that have arisen in a project that you are handling will enable you to learn new and better ways of tackling the issue from experienced peers and superiors.

3)Choose Your Words Carefully- Good communication skills include not just being able to convey what you have to say but it also refers to the ability to filter harmless office conversations from hateful gossip. Words are a powerful unit that can make or break work relationships. What you choose to say reflects a lot about the person that you are.

4)Set the Model of Fairness- If you have people working under you, give credit to them whenever is necessary. Be fair in distributing and assessing work. Be open-minded to the views of your team members. Leaders who set the model of fairness are always appreciated.

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