Wednesday, 7 March 2018


1)   Do Homework: As participants get the notice with agenda of meeting in advance, they should do homework, collect information, necessary details and study so as to make the meeting effective and fruitful.
2)    Follow the Agenda: Participants should follow the agenda. They should not bring up items which are not on the agenda.
3)   Be Punctual: It is often seen that participants come late to the meeting. This disturbs the schedule. They should reach on time. It is the responsibility of every participant to be punctual for the meeting.
4)  Participate Actively: Participants should participate actively in the discussion. They should contribute ideas, opinions, views and suggestions based on their knowledge and experience.
5)    Showcase the Talent: A meeting is an opportunity to showcase the talent and get credit for giving useful ideas. Therefore, participants should not only attend the meeting but make it productive by expressing their ideas.
6)    Follow Rules: The participants should speak when allowed to. They should avoid cross-talk. Every participant of the meeting should follow the rules of the meeting.
7)   Disagree Agreeably: In a meeting, there may occur differences in opinions of the participants. But, it is important to express all the differences with politeness and a friendly feeling.
8)   Help to Control the Meeting: If the meeting is going off the track, the participants can remind the chairperson to keep it on track. In this way, they should help to control the meeting.
9)    Stay Related to Previous Discussion: Any contribution to the meeting should be made in the context of the earlier discussion. An idea that is already proposed need not be repeated, but one can modify it or improve it.

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