Wednesday 7 March 2018


Organisations appoint small groups and entrust them with specific tasks to be completed within a stipulated time known as committees. Literally, the word ‘committee’ means those members to whom some matter is ‘committed’. A committee is a body of persons elected or appointed to meet on an organised basis for the discussion of matters brought before it. A committee is more or less a formal body, often with a definite structure. It meets to do a specific job, such as making plans or budgets, taking policy decisions or only making suggestions and recommendations.
Importance of Committee:  
1) Committee formulates new policies, coordinates plans and implementations and review the old ones.
2)  Committee gives relevant and current information to their staff.
3) Committee helps in the conduct of some specific functions like fund raising, audit or elections.
4) Committee investigates situations and suggest recommendations.
5) Committee helps to solve the internal and external problems of the organisation.
6) Committee is important to maintain order within the organisation.
7) Committee helps to secure cooperation between different departments.
8) Committee helps in the process of public relations by representing the organisation to the community.



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